Thursday, August 21, 2008


If not for moments like the one I described yesterday, the human race would die out, because everyone would abandon their children once they hit the terrible twos. Yesterday was one of those days. What with Sammy "testing his limits", and "exploring his boundaries", and "acting like a jerk".

But I'm not going to dwell on that today. Onward ho! How about some pictures!

Natalie likes to help Sammy brush his teeth.
(She also likes to help wash his hair in the bathtub.)

The kids yesterday. You can almost see Sammy thinking, "What will drive Mom the most crazy?"

This is how the kids always look at the end of a summer day. Wet, dirty, and bedraggled.

1 comment:

  1. I love Natalie's's so cute and summery. She's adorable and I love how she tries to help Sammy brush his teeth.
